Rueckfahrt von Irland - Teil 1: Wales (u/a)nd Kent - part 1 of my journey to Germany
So, wir verliessen also die Faehre in Holyhead gegen Mittag und machten uns auf den Weg nach Suedost-England. Der Fiesta war so schwer beladen, dass der Auspuff bei jeder Speed-bump aufschliff. Ich fand dass der Weg ueber die Landbruecke ganz gut fuer mich war - Wales war fast wie Irland, nur wenig Unterschiede, England war dann schon etwas anders aber immer noch nicht ungewohnt (dank der vielen netten britischen TV-Sender in Irland ;) - naja, und bis ich dann franzoesischen Boden betrat war ich an's Reisen auch schon wieder gewoehnt.
Well, we debarked the ferry in Holyhead around midday and were heading straight for Southeast-England. My little Fiesta was heavily loaded, the exhaust was touching ground every time we went over a speed-bump. I think driving to Germany over the Landbridge was a good idea - Wales was very similar to Ireland, England was slightly different, but we only drove on motorways there anyway and even though it was my first time in Britain, it didn't really feel like being abroad, thanks to all them british TV-stations I was watching back home in Ireland. And well, by the time I set foot on French soil, I was used to travelling again.
Wir fuhren also gen Suedosten, hielten kurz in Bangor um uns Sterling zu besorgen und dann ging's 8 Stunden ueber das britische Autobahnnetz. Wir kamen ganz gut durch, vor Birmingham war's mal etwas verstopft, aber London war frei, da wir erst gegen 20h auf die M25 auffuhren.
So we drove towards the Southeast, stopped in Bangor to get some Sterling and then it was just 8 hours straight on the british motorway network. It went quite smooth, apart from a little rush-hour congestion near Birmingham. Even London was fine, as we entered the M25 only after 8pm.
Gegen 22h kamen wir dann in Crowborough an und Bernice, Vicky's Mum, nahm uns herzlichst in Empfang. Nach einem super-Abendessen und ein wenig Schwaetzen, fielen wir auf die Matratzen und schnarchten durch bis Mittwoch mittag.
Around 10pm we arrived in Crowborough and Bernice, Vicky's Mum, provided us with a warm and friendly welcome. After a superb dinner and a bit of chit-chat, we hit the sack and slept through until Wednesday midday.
Fahrt ueber Anglesey mit den Snowdownia Bergen am Horizont
drive across Anglesey with the Snowdownia Mountains at the horizont

Well, we debarked the ferry in Holyhead around midday and were heading straight for Southeast-England. My little Fiesta was heavily loaded, the exhaust was touching ground every time we went over a speed-bump. I think driving to Germany over the Landbridge was a good idea - Wales was very similar to Ireland, England was slightly different, but we only drove on motorways there anyway and even though it was my first time in Britain, it didn't really feel like being abroad, thanks to all them british TV-stations I was watching back home in Ireland. And well, by the time I set foot on French soil, I was used to travelling again.
Wir fuhren also gen Suedosten, hielten kurz in Bangor um uns Sterling zu besorgen und dann ging's 8 Stunden ueber das britische Autobahnnetz. Wir kamen ganz gut durch, vor Birmingham war's mal etwas verstopft, aber London war frei, da wir erst gegen 20h auf die M25 auffuhren.
So we drove towards the Southeast, stopped in Bangor to get some Sterling and then it was just 8 hours straight on the british motorway network. It went quite smooth, apart from a little rush-hour congestion near Birmingham. Even London was fine, as we entered the M25 only after 8pm.
Gegen 22h kamen wir dann in Crowborough an und Bernice, Vicky's Mum, nahm uns herzlichst in Empfang. Nach einem super-Abendessen und ein wenig Schwaetzen, fielen wir auf die Matratzen und schnarchten durch bis Mittwoch mittag.
Around 10pm we arrived in Crowborough and Bernice, Vicky's Mum, provided us with a warm and friendly welcome. After a superb dinner and a bit of chit-chat, we hit the sack and slept through until Wednesday midday.
drive across Anglesey with the Snowdownia Mountains at the horizont
Die Britannia-Bruecke nahe Bangor
Britannia bridge near Bangor
Britannia bridge near Bangor
im Stadtzentrum von Bangor
Bangor town centre
Bangor town centre
fuer Wastl: Steinhausser Bier - nur £2.99 fuer 6x0.25l
Entlang der walisischen Kueste
along the Welsh coast
along the Welsh coast
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