Some more pictures - noch ein paar Bilder
So, jetzt bin ich auch endlich mal dazu gekommen, noch ein paar Bilder online zu stellen, die noch auf meinem Nokia rumlagen. Sie sind von September und Oktober 2005. Die Bildunterschriften sollten eigentlich alles erklaeren.
Das komplette Album findet sich hinter dem Link unter der Titelzeile dieses Beitrags.
Well, eventually I've found the time to put some of the pics that were catching dust on my Nokia's memory card online. They've been taken during September and October 2005. The describtions should explain what they show.
The complete album can be found be clicking the link above (the headline).
[listening to Alcian_Blue-You_Just_Disappear]
Das komplette Album findet sich hinter dem Link unter der Titelzeile dieses Beitrags.
Well, eventually I've found the time to put some of the pics that were catching dust on my Nokia's memory card online. They've been taken during September and October 2005. The describtions should explain what they show.
The complete album can be found be clicking the link above (the headline).
[listening to Alcian_Blue-You_Just_Disappear]
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