Wieder zu Hause - Home again.
So, seit gestern vormittag bin ich also wieder in Hof. Die Fahrt war lang, ermüdend und Deutschland fühlt sich für mich wie Ausland an. Selbst das Tastaturlayout mußte ich wieder auf English umstellen :-P ... kein Mensch sollte mit einer deutschen Tastatur programmieren müssen ...
Well, there I am ... back in Germany since yesterday morning. The drive was very long, tiring and Germany feels like a foreign country to me. I even changed the keyboard layout of the machine here to English, as I just couldn't handle the German keyboard anymore. Nobody should be forced to use the German keyboard for programming :P
Well, there I am ... back in Germany since yesterday morning. The drive was very long, tiring and Germany feels like a foreign country to me. I even changed the keyboard layout of the machine here to English, as I just couldn't handle the German keyboard anymore. Nobody should be forced to use the German keyboard for programming :P