Freitag, Dezember 30, 2005

Das war's (fast) schon mit 2005... There goes 2005 ...

Well, here goes 2005. Only a couple of hours and this old year will be over. What a year it was...

The year of my very first Paddy's Day parade ever, the year of many a good birthday party in Carlow, the year of the toughest house-cleaning I've have had to put up with :-P, Exams in a foreign language, a hard-working summer, many cups of tea, countless pints of the black stuff, the year of disturbing news, the London bombings, the year of a wedding I couldn't attend even though I had so much wanted to, ...
the year of the worst culture shock ever, when I returned to Germany, ... the year of a unsuccessful job hunt second to none, the year Germany got its first female leader, and a year of friendship - both making new friends and nurturing/exploiting old friendships.

So, a big THANK YOU, Go raibh míle maith agat, Merci beaucoup, Djakujem, Tausend Dank! to all of youse out there. :-)

Now, 2006 will bring a lot challenges with it. More exams - both in Germany and in Ireland, my German thesis and graduation in Hof and Carlow (fingers crossed), (hopefully) my return to Ireland and so on. I hope to get back on my feet money-wise. I'm looking forward to the soccer world cup in summer and to visiting many friends again. There's even a chance of a Lblock-reunion this year - we'll see. Anyway, the new year is nothing short of an adventure and I'm intending to face it :)

So, to all my friends and foes, family and my creditors :-D

Happy new year 2006, ein gesundes neues Jahr 2006!


Frohe Weihnachten! (nachtraeglich) A (late) "Merry Christmas!"

Sorry folks, I was meant to text you all with Christmas greetings and stuff - but my mobile phones are out of credit and I didn't make it to the college last week, so I couldn't go online and use my provider's web-TXT-interface ...

I hope you've all had a good christmas time. I spent christmas at home in Hof, with my Ma and my two siblings Dajana and Daniel. Times being tough, it was a very down-to-earth Christmas this year. No presents, just Stollen (German christmas cake), Telly and basically having the family united again. It was good though.

So, again, thanks everybody for your txts, I'll answer them in just a few minutes :)

Tschuldigung Leute, ich wollte Euch allen Weihnachtsgrüsse SMSen, aber meine Handys haben alle kein Guthaben mehr und ich hab's letzte Woche nicht in die FH geschafft, so dass ich das Web-Portal meines Anbieters hätte nutzen können...

Ich hoffe, dass Ihr alle eine gesegnete Weihnachten verlebt habt. Ich hab' Weihnachten zu Hause in Hof verbracht - mit meiner Mutter und meinen Geschwistern Dajana und Daniel. Die Zeiten sind hart und so war es eine sehr nüchterne Weihnachten - keine Geschenke, nur Stollen, Fernsehgucken und die ganze Familie mal wieder beisammen haben. Es war trotzdem schön.

Also, wie gesagt, Danke für all' Eure SMS, ich werde sie in ein paar Minuten beantworten :)